Annually, Lacreek Electric will award scholarships for four (4) first-year college or technical school students and one (1) second-year college or technical school student which is selected out of the applications submitted the year prior. Applicants must be members or dependents of members of LEA and citizens of the United States. In addition, the applicants must carry a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher and demonstrate scholastic achievement and community involvement.
- The Lacreek Electric/Basin Electric Power Cooperative Scholarship in the amount of $2,500 will be chosen by Basin Electric.
- The Lacreek Electric/Rushmore Electric Power Cooperative/Lacreek Board of Directors Scholarship in the amount of $2,000 will be chosen by Basin Electric.
- Two Lacreek Electric Association Scholarships in the amount of $1,500 will be drawn from the remaining applicant pool by the LEA board of directors.
- One Lacreek Electric Scholarship in the amount of $1,500 will be drawn from the applicant pool by the LEA board of directors from the previous year of non-Scholarship recipients.

Lacreek Electric wants to recognize and encourage the academic achievements of the students in rural areas. The scholarships serve as an investment in the rural areas. It also serves as an investment in the economic future of our area. The Scholarship may be used at an accredited college, university, or technical school. Call for further information.
The new Scholarship application are now available and must be mailed or turned in by February 19th, 2025.
Mail Applications to: Lacreek Electric Association, ATTN: Jessica Cook, P.O. Box 220, Martin, SD 57551
$1500 Scholarship - Rylee Rous
$1,500 Scholarship - Thea Dubray
$2,000 Scholarship - Shawnee White
$2,500 Scholarship - Nicole Porch
$1,500 2nd Year Scholarship - Chloe Risse