Lacreek Electric Association, Inc. was incorporated in 1948. It is headquartered at Martin, along the north edge of the Great Sand Hill Plains in southern South Dakota. LEA is a rural electric cooperative serving more than 4,000 members in six counties across 5,174 square miles of south central South Dakota and northern Nebraska.
2023 Year End Statistics
Headquarters: | 121 N Harold St., Martin, SD |
Year Energized: | 1948 |
Plant: |
$73,833,708 |
Equity: | 37.73% |
Counties Served: |
Bennett, Jackson, Oglala Lakota, Todd, and Mellette in South Dakota and Cherry County in Nebraska |
Number of Members: |
4,280 |
Service Area: | 5,174 square miles |
Meters per Mile | 2.14 |
Miles of Line: | 3,177 |
Miles of Transmission Line: |
204 |
Miles of Distribution Line: | 2,657 |
Miles of Underground Line: | 317 |
Number of Meters: |
6,812 |
Average Monthly Usage, Farm & Residence | 1,298 kWh |
Number of Electric Heat Homes | 831 |
Number of Irrigation Systems | 128 |
Number of Security Lights | 3,921 |
kWh Sales | 130,160,394 kWh |
Revenue per kWh (residential) | $0.1072 |
Winter Demand | 29,777 KW |
Summer Demand | 23,802 KW |
Number of Employees: | 27 |
Number of Directors: | 13 |
Power Supplier: |
Basin Electric Power Cooperative, 86.29% (Which consists of a blend of coal, hydro, nuclear, natural gas, renewable, (wind and waste heat) and purchases; and WAPA, 13.71% (Hydro) |
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